Saturday, September 22, 2012

Beavers and Moose

This week we had our first beaver and moose experience.  
Disclaimer: If you are an animal lover, don't get upset.  We are practicing subsistence. 

Sunday night.  Hanging out at Jim and Deana's for bible study.  They are an awesome couple.

Later on Sunday night, Nathaniel and I went on a beaver hunt (there are a ton here).

 We walked down the old airport runway to get to the beaver dams.

We got soaked.
He got one!  She was fat, but small for the ones up here. 
We brought it back on a four wheeler, since it was a mile walk.

She was about 45 lbs.  We asked around, but no one eats beaver in our village.

 So Nathaniel cut off the pelt and made a "tanning hoop" out of sticks and zip ties (we learned to be resourceful).  He's going to stretch out the pelt on the hoop and let it dry.  
We plan to make/ or get a hat made.

Back at school, I had a new prank pulled on me.  For a minute I thought this was a student hiding...  When I went to investigate in the corner I discovered this...  I have creative thinkers.


This week the technology coordinator for the district came and taught the kids lessons on Garage Band and iMovie.  I learned a lot too.

Back at home, now that we have settled, I'm starting to decorate.  This is our office.

Yellow slip = package!
My sister-in-law should be a professional packager.

Cozy couch.

Cozy feet.

Our bush order arrived, 3 out of 11 boxes.

 Bulk groceries.

Care package from a special coach.

Our vacuum arrived.

After vacuuming the house, I picked up over 5 inches of dirt... ew.

 One day after school we walked the shortcut to the cafe.

Storage bins for the new school construction materials.

Friday night we were offered some moose meat.
This is just one front shoulder and leg.

Cutting the meat into steaks and roasts.

 This was a young moose.  The hoof was still as big as my size 8 boot.

Washing the meat.

 Cutting up another moose all day on Saturday.  I cut my finger right after this picture.

Grinding a "small portion" of the meat.

Vacuum sealing steaks and roasts.

Not your average size ribs.

 Our deep freeze is slowly filling up.  Salmon on the top shelf, then moose, dairy and cheese, bread and crinkle fries.  Last but not least, beaver fur on the bottom in the trash bag.  I have never had such a variety in a freezer!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Challenges & Encouragement

This week at school was challenging to say the least.  I had my first meeting with a student's parents, total exhaustion from lesson planning, managing behavior, and a lot of extra unexpected to-do's.  

On Wednesday during staff meeting an aide ran in and said that an elderly woman's house was on fire and she was in it.  Nathaniel and some other staff ran to the house to help put out the fire.  (We don't have a fire dept or any fire fighters).  It was bad.  The 87-year-old woman got out with third degree burns on ninety-five percent of her body.  She was airlifted to Bethel.  I walked by the house today.  It is completely burnt out.  Black charred wood.  The house had only one door; it was in the front.
The next day at school was very somber.  
The encouraging part about all of this is that dozens of people were courageous and willing to face danger to save the life of another.  It makes me sad that tragedies like this happen in the villages because of various reasons like lack of resources (for putting out a fire).

    Excited to get packages from family & friends.                                              Coffee...the good kind!

Coffee press &cookies

Missouri weather: 95 degrees    Alaska weather: 45 degrees  
They came to us melted and cold... but still good :)

Arrived this week.  I now appreciate microwaves.

                Mmmm... pressed coffee.                                           My guitar arrived.  Practicing everyday!

Our projector is up and running.  We also bought a sheet of white vinyl fabric for a screen.  
We watch movies and other DVDs.

Before I left school for the day, I heard giggles in the corner.  
She is one of my elementary Cross Country girls.

One day this week there was a carnival after school.  My room was used for prizes!

Here's a little cooking segment.  Step by step cooking fresh salmon.

1. Line pan with foil.

2. Rinse fish.

3. Set in pan skin down.

4. Sprinkle with seasonings [lemon pepper, garlic, sea salt, and/or pepper].

Thanks to family & friends for helping us stock our spice cabinet.

5. Preheat oven to 350.

6. Bake for 35-45 minutes depending on how tender or dry you like it.  These are done.

7. Watch out for bones... they are as smaller than toothpicks.

Slide the fork between the skin and meat.

The white on the fish is fat... the good kind with Omega3.
Yellow Cake Mix Cookies: 1 pkg Yellow Cake Mix, 2 large eggs (or 3 small), 1/3 c. oil.                   
Directions: 1. Mix in larger bowl: cake mix, eggs, and oil.  2. Spoon out 1 inch ball, flatten with your hand.  3. Bake at 375 for 6 minutes.  4. Let cookies flatten on cookie sheet.  4. Sprinkle with sugar before and/or after.

Walking home watching the sunset glow.

The "long" walk from school to our house.

We had another bonfire on Friday.  It was too dark to get a good picture, but there were 4 orange foxes playing on the shore.  Below Culea (in the green) is watching the foxes play in the driftwood.  They saw us and still kept on playing and running back and forth.

On Saturday Culea and I walked to both sides of town to go shopping at the general stores.  

This is the only gas station.  Used for trucks, four wheelers, snow machines, and boats.

The sewing section at Annex Store.  I was shopping for fabric because a woman wants to make me my very own "guspik," the traditional shirt of Yu'pik people.

Yes, I bought a gallon of ice cream for $18.79.

After shopping: 5 bags of groceries (for 2 people).  How much do you think I spent?  Make a guess.
Scroll down to see answer.

I was mainly stocking up on fresh foods like milk, eggs, yogurt, bread, fruit, and meat.  Most of our bulk food comes from bush orders at Sam's or through  I won't be shopping like this very often, but fresh food is worth it.

Going shopping...

Meanwhile, Nathaniel spent the weekend in Mountain Village for the high school Cross Country race.  He took only 2 boys.  This time he went on an even smaller plane than last week.

Nathaniel rode in the co-pilot's seat and the boys sat in the 2 seats behind.
"Watch your feet on those pedals."

The guys ready to race.

Nathaniel standing at the halfway turn around for the 5k.  The course followed this dirt path.  He said it was very windy, which also meant it was equally dusty.  About 2 miles away is the village.

I spent the rest of my weekend here... doing laundry, paying bills, relaxing, and lesson planning.