Saturday, September 22, 2012

Beavers and Moose

This week we had our first beaver and moose experience.  
Disclaimer: If you are an animal lover, don't get upset.  We are practicing subsistence. 

Sunday night.  Hanging out at Jim and Deana's for bible study.  They are an awesome couple.

Later on Sunday night, Nathaniel and I went on a beaver hunt (there are a ton here).

 We walked down the old airport runway to get to the beaver dams.

We got soaked.
He got one!  She was fat, but small for the ones up here. 
We brought it back on a four wheeler, since it was a mile walk.

She was about 45 lbs.  We asked around, but no one eats beaver in our village.

 So Nathaniel cut off the pelt and made a "tanning hoop" out of sticks and zip ties (we learned to be resourceful).  He's going to stretch out the pelt on the hoop and let it dry.  
We plan to make/ or get a hat made.

Back at school, I had a new prank pulled on me.  For a minute I thought this was a student hiding...  When I went to investigate in the corner I discovered this...  I have creative thinkers.


This week the technology coordinator for the district came and taught the kids lessons on Garage Band and iMovie.  I learned a lot too.

Back at home, now that we have settled, I'm starting to decorate.  This is our office.

Yellow slip = package!
My sister-in-law should be a professional packager.

Cozy couch.

Cozy feet.

Our bush order arrived, 3 out of 11 boxes.

 Bulk groceries.

Care package from a special coach.

Our vacuum arrived.

After vacuuming the house, I picked up over 5 inches of dirt... ew.

 One day after school we walked the shortcut to the cafe.

Storage bins for the new school construction materials.

Friday night we were offered some moose meat.
This is just one front shoulder and leg.

Cutting the meat into steaks and roasts.

 This was a young moose.  The hoof was still as big as my size 8 boot.

Washing the meat.

 Cutting up another moose all day on Saturday.  I cut my finger right after this picture.

Grinding a "small portion" of the meat.

Vacuum sealing steaks and roasts.

Not your average size ribs.

 Our deep freeze is slowly filling up.  Salmon on the top shelf, then moose, dairy and cheese, bread and crinkle fries.  Last but not least, beaver fur on the bottom in the trash bag.  I have never had such a variety in a freezer!

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